Consideration of the theory Nasr Hamed Abuzeyd about Relationship between Quran and culture of time (with concentration on “meaning of text”)

Abdolzahra Abdollahipour
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Mohammad ali Ayazi
Abdolzahra Abdollahipour

Relationship between Quran and culture of time is one of the most important Issues that specialists study about it in Quranic studies. There are tree theories about connection between Quran and culture in the revealing time. First theory puts a lot of emphasis in profound correlation between Quran’s text and culture of the time by the way it refuses all things that cause Quran be affected by culture of time and just emphasis on being in the language of the people. Second group believe that Quran in an interaction, was affected by language, culture and beliefs and sometimes as accompanist accepted scientific ideas and cultural opinions that were not true and talk about them like real facts. Third theory states Quran is a dependent book Based on Knowledge and culture in the revealing time and believes that Quran basically originated from historical and cultural situation in that time. Dr. Nasr Hamed Abuzeyd chooses second theory and he tries to show that there is a dialectic connection between Quran and culture of time. Quran shaped in the culture of revealing time and on the other side Quran impressed on the culture. He emphasizes that Quran is holy and revealed from God, by the way, he insists that Quran’s orders and notions are historical. In the meantime (in many passages of his book “meaning of text”) he emphasizes that Quran has a historical text and cultural product that can’t be away from its history. Nasr Hamed Abuzeyd for having an exact scientific and historical understanding in religious texts does research about Quran as a historical, human and linguistic text and in the meantime he criticizes prevalent construe of Quranic sciences and emphasizes that Quran’s text is a cultural product. This dissertation tries to report and explicate his standpoint and allude to study about this theory and point out deterrents and constraints in acceptance of it.