Islamic Denominations in Iran

In addition to the Twelver Shia, which comprises the majority of the Iranian population and warrants independent study, there are various other denominations and movements present among Iranian Sunni Muslims.

These include Shafi’is and Hanafis with Ash’arite beliefs, adherents of Maturidism and the Deobandi movement, as well as Sufi movements such as Qadiriyya and Naqshbandiyya. Other notable movements include the Barelvi movement, Call and Reform Group, School of Quran (Maktab al-Quran), Mawdudiyya, and sects like Dhikriyya.

In addition to Twelver Shiism, there are several other Shia denominations that are explored in the present book. These include Ismailism, Shaykhiyya, Ahl-e Haqq, as well as various Sufi orders such as Nematollahi, Gonabadi, Zahabiya, and Noorbakhshia.


Mahdi Farmanian, Mohammad Hassan Beheshti

Cover Type

Hard cover

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