Translation and Research of Two Articles by “Frithjof Schuon”

Masoumeh Hosseini Kakolaki
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Bagher Talebi Darabi
Mohammad Javdan

The two articles which have been translated, researched and surveyed in this thesis, namely:» The Mystery of hypostatic face «and» The Idea of The Best in Religions «are amongst Frithjof Schuon, s articles on the essential truth of religions from the viewpoint of divine holiness in every religion that in addition to every religion, s argument of being itself the best, includes its relation to the other religions too. Saying that the absolute truth or the unique truth is beyond the form. While each geometrical shape manifests one aspect of the page and the absoluteness of the page could not be stated by one form, the truth, inside itself, is a formless truth. The mystery of religions face, is the manifestation of divine truth. Divine truth is beyond every limit but it should be formed in order to be in connection. The Mystery of hypostatic face is that saying “water takes the color of its container”, explaining that God Himself creates this container. For instance He creates the Arabs in order for the truth to be formulated and given to this container. Various ramifications and races, based on this fact, supplement each other or remove one another, s absoluteness to prevent man from being confined to this exclusive thought which is his divine manifestation. The other article titled» The Idea of The Best in Religions «supplements our discussion in the sense that every religion considers itself as the best of religions and the answer to that hypostatic face. Other religions answer the other faces not this one.