The role of form to representing religion contents in film
- Author:
- Mahdi Bahrami
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Philosophy of Art
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2013
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mohammad Zaimaran
- Advisor(s):
- Mansor Barahimi
The art is one of those issue that exist from beginning of human being and human has paid special attention to it. There are many different ideas that have been explained by philosophers and theorists of art. In all of ideas form and content are two inseparable parts of art. In fact, many texts in history of aesthetics show importance of those parts directly or indirectly. On the other hand religion and faith is other aspect of human that has been attendant of human and philosophers and theorists of religion have expressed many ideas to defining it. However the question is whether there are relationship between form of art in the one hand and content of religion, if form of art can represent metaphysical content of religion or not. Anyway, it seem that film as visual art with many animated pictures, story and narrative can be a best tools for representing and showing religion content. The only way for understanding and conceiving content of film is form of art work. Indeed, by analyzing form of art work we can get the meaning and content of it. Accordingly, every change in form of art can change the meaning and content of art work. They are concomitant and indivisible in the real world so, our discussion about them separability is a subjective issue. In this thesis I want to answer what is the role of form to representing religion contents by philosophical analyzing method. For answering this question I try to show importance of form of art in the history of art and important theory of art, and also by propounding a new idea about religion content in art, express that importance thing in this issue is that in the form of art should avoid anything that is versus the religion, because when content of art is religious and some elements of form is non-religion, We are faced with a conceptual conflict in the film. So if content is religious, the form should not non-religion.