Analyze and evaluate themes of spiritual formation (spiritual sense – transcendental) In the cinema of frank Darabont

Mohammad shakibadel
Philosophy of Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Razi Moosavi Gilani
Mansoor Barahimi

The present study attempts to analyze and evaluate the formation of spiritual themes (spiritual sense – transcendental) in cinema. At the beginning, the process of emergence of spirituality – oriented cinema as well as specific directors in whose movies the concern for tendency towards spirituality is observed has been delved into. Then the interaction between the spirituality – orientation approach and film in the view of religiously- minded ones has been brought up, and eventually various current styles of analyzing the film has been posed. The approach of this study is based on evaluating the narrative styles in film in the view of post formalism. Thus following that, the researcher has made effort to illustrate the view of neo formalism in cinema and how this point of view is applied in film, style, and content. Since in this approach form somehow creates the content, it gets close to traditional view regarding the symbol of the piece of art that is known to be a manifestation of a transcendental reality. In other words, the form that rings with itself spirituality – oriented content is actually the same art form in traditional point of view. This view illustrates the point that the experience of film form in interaction with the audience changes into a kind of ritual, spiritual experience. This approach is completed with the view of the followers of school of reception (Wolfgang Iser) for illustrating the role of the reader to form the content.  In this view, it is believed that the spiritual content of the form is completed with active participation of the audience and through his/her experience. After that film form has been discussed. During this illustration, such items as the principle of the film form, the criteria for evaluation and analysis, the principle of narrative structure in film, and also such elements as mise-en-scene , framing, cinematography, editing, sound editing, and directing style have been presented.  At the end, the researcher has presented the critique of four films by Frank Darabont, the famous Hungarian – American director.