Confromtation of imam Ali with the methods of khaliphs in kufe

Mohsen yazdani
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Asghar Montazerolghaem
Alireza Imani Moghaddam

Human societies have always distance between their classes. Some of people have top elite status and all benefits such as adequate financial conditions and social status and high influence and some of people are lacking these situations. This distance between classes has adverse effects for the society which it will lead to the luxury-oriented approach and finally will lead to the formation of deep or shallow rebellion and revolution. Islamic society, as other societies has passed such ups and downs. The society that Prophet Rasool Allah (peace is upon him) has been founded had relative balance and intangible distance between classes and in this society the spirit of equality and religious brotherhood had authority over the financial affairs. After the death of Prophet Rasool Allah (peace is upon him) this society changed immediately and came out from its balance and some of people achieved to the top point of society and earned especial advantages and other people even decline from casual level of life. Islam according to deism and Justice and considering human sublime values could destroy the social structure of pre-Islamic ignorant Arab and replaced it a different and new structure. Unfortunately by confiscating the government of Amir-Al-Momenin by caliphs, Islamic society changed that it was because of different functions of caliphs with the functions of Rasool Allah (peace is upon him).This report in first to third chapter has described the functions of caliphs in detail and distinctly. Then in forth chapter the report of results of their functions has been also described. In fifth chapter detail report about the function of   Amir-Al-Momenin (peace is upon him) and its results on Islamic society have been described. In the last chapter the conflict of Amir-Al-Momenin (peace is upon him) with caliphs and also the reason of loneliness of Amir-Al-Momenin (peace is upon him) have been described that we can say that the reason of this loneliness is deep effects of functions of caliphs that were different with the founded approach by Prophet Rasool Allah (peace is upon him). By the beginning of government of Amir-Al-Momenin new condition started and Amir-Al-Momenin (peace is upon him) tried his best to return the changed society to the approach of Prophet Rasool Allah (peace is upon him). Imam Ali (peace is upon him) during his short time government could provide a relative balance in the distance between classes. Although a lot of problems were in front of him, he did lots of correction in society .