The Figh Sentences of Sepulchers from the viewpoint of quintuple denominations

Mohammad Bagher Akhtari
Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Hossein Rajabi
Najaf Lakzaei

God has respected the prophet (P.B.U.H.) and Ahlebeyt’s status among people and he has necessitated their charity and also he has respected their homes. So the holy places were specially payed attention by people and Muslims have done to this during the history and they have taken the reasons of the book (Quran) and tradition. Domes and minarets were well-known as a polytheism, heresy and root of brag in religion from Ibne Teymieh’s era. These buildings were destroyed by Vahabina scholar’s sentences which it caused a great difference in Islam. We state the Vahabian scholar’s reasons about interdiction of building on graves and the necessity for destroying the sepulchers, secondly we study and answer to them by using Quran and versions in viewpoint of the quintuple denominations. The research tries to study the opinions and reasons by refering to original sources of Islamic denominations. The research consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion and it wants to study the sentences about the sepulchers in viewpoint of Figh denominations without religious dogmatism. The first chapter studies the demanded concepts. The second chapter allocates to study the building on graves in viewpoint of verses and versions. The third chapter studies the reasons of those who permit and non permit the building on graves. The fourth chapter includes the financial sentences about the sepulchers and the last chapter studies the other sentences about the sepulchers. The research also illustrates the Figh sentences of the sepulchers such as oblations and endowments.