Comparing the View of Quran and Jewish Tradition on the Hebrew Bible
- Author:
- Forough masoudi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Abrahamic Religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mehrab Sadegh Nia
- Advisor(s):
- Hossein Soleiimani
Hebrew Bible has got a divine origin and purpose which makes it different from the other holy books. The present research aims at discussing Quran and Jewish religious tradition’s view point regarding Bible and its essence. Traditional Hebrews believe that this book is revelatory and it has been revealed orally to Moses and the other prophets. They believe that Bible has been existed before the world’s creation, it is eternal. There is no mistake in it, it is faultless. And it had not been tampered with, it is original. In addition to all these, they believe that their Book is according to Shariah, and it has God’s directions thoroughly. And it also predicts the future. Quran also has expressed some opinions regarding holy scripts which had been existed before it and described them with the help of some of its verses and stands against some of them. According to Quran’s verses, Hebrew Bible has got a divine origin and it has been revealed to Moses. Quran has confirmed and certified this fact (Bagarah 53, all Emran 3). On the other hand, Quran confess that tablets which were inspired to Moses have been all according to Shariah. Commentators assert that some of the verses (shora 196) directly show that Hebrew bible can predict the future and confirm it. It must be added that Quran doesn’t believe that Hebrew bible had not been tampered with but it believes it has been tampered with morally.