” Salvation in the test of reason and faith, the Quran and the New Testament”
- Author:
- Fatemeh Nejati
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Shahabeddin Vahidi Mehrjerdi
- Advisor(s):
- Hamid Bakhshandeh Abkenar
The secret of people’s tendency to the religion is of their innate need to “seeking salvation and redemption”, and all religions honestly identify this need and seek to provide it. Salvation and attaining the final redemption, which are important theological issues in both Islam and Christianity, deserves to be studied comparatively. Basicly there are fundamental differences between Christian salvation and the salvation in Islam by nature. According to Islam, although God is Savior, Man with free of choice and his/her active role, and by providing specific circumstances, is acceptor of God’s salvation. The Holy Quran emphasizes the role of man in attaining redemption and it recites some factors to attain salvation. The Qur’an states that man should strive to attain salvation and to prepare terms of salvation, additionally, using all his powers, including the “wisdom and perceptions”, and take steps in a direct way to attain the salvation eventually. The base of current Christianity is faith in the salvation that Jesus Christ has brought gift to humanity. According to this belief, which is based on a particular anthropology, Christology and theology in Christianity (has been solidified), man is in bondage to sin and death, and has no ability to save. God with direct presence in the body of the Jesus Christ and his redemption atones for human sin and saves him from the bondage of sin. In the New Testament there is a great emphasis on this belief. The faith on the Jesus Christ is the salvation of human beings. This research makes an attempt to study the factors of salvation in the Koran and the New Testament and how faith and reason, as the factors that influence the salvation, are expressed. Examples of the New Testament and the Koran and interpretations are quoted.