The emotionََs place in moral from David Hume and Islamic moralَs (Quran) point of view
- Author:
- Maryam Farahzadi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Shahbbedin Vahidi
- Advisor(s):
- Allah Karam Karami Pour
Study in history of morale philosophy about position of emotions in moral show that there isn’t stable and harmonic state in this subject and in any periods the various schools, offered especial view in this case. Some of schools focused more the role of moral and considered emotions in low rank, in contrast, in some of cases, emotions considered as main and basic factor. Also in Quran Karim as holy book that part of it allocated to the moral rules and orders and involved valuable rights, offered completed view. The aim of writing this essay is investigation the position of feeling in various moral aspects such as: verbal goodness, subjective goodness, and final goodness. The critics of morale did from Islam view are 3conditions of verbal goodness, subjective goodness, and final goodness., and in determining the 3cited critics the Islamic moral resources (Quran, tradition, mind , identity and inspiration) is guidance. From Islamic morals pointof view any one of the morale resources play key role in moral and moral value is the feeling behavior depended to the 3cited critics. The motivation should be divine and condition of morale did is purity and measuring evil and its goodness and its peak is satisfaction and achieving God satisfaction and achieving to the welfare and happiness position. But Hu me who is kindly philosopher, explained 2critcs for superiority and rascality of act: suitability and profit making that its root referred to pain and pleasure. In relation to the portion and value of feeling, he had 2 formal and informal views that in one of them he considered the key role for feeling and low role for mind, such that the root of motivation, moral discriminations and reason of issuing morale order and encourage us for doing in his view is emotion, but in another work considered mind more important such that put it along the feeling and companion and helper of it. In continue we deal to comparing the main votes such as morale systems, will case, and discussion of allocation and dependency and necessity… and critic of feeling and achieved result of this discussion.