The comparison between two methods of phenomenology and historicism in the survey architecture of mosques in safaviyyeh period

Fatemeh Soltany Veshnaveh
Philosophy of Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Razi Moosavi Gilani
Mohammad Javad Saeidizadeh

The present research is an endeavor to compare the phenomenological approach with the historical one in the examination of the two mosques of Imam and Sheikh Lotf-Al-Allah, the places where are the most prominent mosques during the history of Islamic period arts in Iran and where are built in the Safavid dynasty. The most fundamental problem of this research is to seek for the higher look from the viewpoint of both phenomenological and historical approaches with respect to this mosques, so in order to do this, it has been proceeded to survey the significant specifications of this buildings. It seems that the historical approach by means of reductionism and reducing these two mosques to the elements of time and place, and with the emphasis on the geographical, ecological and endemical constrains, which all are among the characteristics of this kind of approac, can not have a proper answer to tie art, philosophy, and morality which have been the predominant look of the art-loving and Muslim people with islamic and Shiite-pertaining thought from the old times that is the time of the ancient Iran to the time of post-Islam. The hermeneutical phenomenological approach with the emphasis on the same objects that have taken shape all through the historical time, not only takes the appearances of the elements that are found in these mosques into consideration, but also engages in describing and interpreting the contents (to speak in general terms) of the works under discussion. this paper, with the insistence upon the Islamic compilations and teachings that are very influential during all the stages of a Shiite Muslim’s life, is empowered to form the appearances of the buildings under consideration in such a way that they indicate the distinction of each of these places, although the substances of the elements under discussion are shaped through pattering after the adjacent civilizations. The gnostic and Shiite-pertaining compilations and teachings are so tied to the artistry of this country that afford to the construction of these rare places, even in the places where have analogical conditions from the geographical and ecological point of view with this country. As a result in a country where art purports technique and skill, and in order to get acquainted with and learn it, it is necessary to acquire special etiquette and ethics, and in continuation to practise it’s basic facts, to abandon the gnostic and belief-relating compilations appears improper, and to achieve this momentous affair becomes possible only when the researcher of the art enters the compiler’s mental world and his living one with having congeniality and and being far from presupposition.