“The role of the Ottoman and Safavid conflict in Takfirism”

Ali Akbar Nikzad Tehrani
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Reza Barani

Takfirism has been an important issue from the threshold of Islam and appeared in cultural, social and even political areas. This dissertation addresses Takfirism from 906 to 1135 Hg, from reign of the Safavids by the end of it that was the most important period of Takfirism. This intellectual, cultural and social phenomenon roots in many factors, most notably the Ottoman Safavid conflicts and disputes. Despite the historical background, Takfirism has no relation to the teachings of Islam and the tradition and lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad. However, in different historical periods because of political conflicts and religious conflicts we witness its wide spread. During this period, the authoritarian nature of the Safavid and Ottoman and other political factors resulted in the increase of “conflict and political crisis” between the two governments. To manage the self-made crisis, they use “religion and religious scholars” to serve their tyranny and they provided the situation for spreading Takfirism by pursuing the Ulama to write Fatwa and excommunicating treatises. Using descriptive and analytical method and expressing the quality of Political and religious conflicts between the governments, this dissertation tries to explain causes of the emergence and growth of Takfirism.