The Historical Position and the Role of the Shiite Mu’tazilits in The Evolution of Imamiyya Theology
- Author:
- Abbas Mirzaei
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Shia Studies
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mahdi Farmanian
- Advisor(s):
- Mohammad Hasan Nadem, Emdad Touran
Shiite Mutazilits are some of Shiite theologians who had I’tizal ideas before becoming Shiites. Abu ‘Isa al-Warrag, Inb al-Rvandi, Ibn Qiba al-Razi, Ibn Momallak, Ibn Tabban, and Fosanjos, were among the figures of this group of theologians, and they are accounted as one of the current that has the impression in the history of Imamyyah thought. All of them have passed some their educational life among I’tizal and in the other era have accepted the Imamyyah ideas. It has been said that they had been one of the influential currents of Shiite intellectual thinking. They adopted the imamis’ idea with knowledge of the theological system of Mu’tazilis and they tried to defend and explain the theological doctrines of Imamis. This research was conducted to study the issue and verification of this theory: which contribution they have in the tendency of Imamyyah theology to Mu’tazilism. Is it possible to account any contribution of trend of Imamyyah theology to I’tizal? Therefore, we tried to investigate how is the function of this current and their rule in the development of Shia thought, and also their relation with the Imamyyah community and scientist in one side, and on the other hand, their validity rate and their rule level in promoting of Imamyyah thought by two Mo’tazlit and Imamit views. Comparing the thought of this current with two Imamit theologian schools in Kufa and Baghdad, We tried to reach the discussion aim. It seems that that the scholarly community of Imamis often had a positive view about Shiite Mu’tazila, but all of them cannot be treated in the same way. Shiite Mutazilits is a name of three groups of these theologians that have not a similar rule in the change of the way of Imamyyah theology to I’tizal. Two of the most prominent figures of this current, Abu I’isa Warrag and Ibn Ravandi, were heirs of Imamis’ Theology in Kufa depending to pre-Mu’tazilite era of Imamit theology. Ibn Qiba al-Razi merely accepted the Imamat thought of Shia and there is no any information about Ibn Momallak, Ibn Tabban and Ibn Fosanjos. The emphasis on the intellectual foundation of Imamyyah, that is the issue of Imamat, constituted the center of the ideas of Shiite Mu’tazilit, but this common feature was not necessarily followed by the same theological approach In Towhid and Adl.