A master degree thesis of shia history studies The role of Ayatollah Excellencies: Hojjat ، Sadar and Khonsari in management of Qom seminary from 1936 untill 1944
- Author:
- Seyyed Alireza Seyyed Mousavi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Studies of Shiite history
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Alireza Imani Moghaddam
- Advisor(s):
- Naser-al-din Ansari Qomi
Qom that always was gathering place of Shi’as, despite different situations,has had considerable activities for Islamic teachings. When Ayatollah Ha’iri entered the city, the seminary gained especial positon and this was because of his management and his moral, social and scholarly characteristic. Between the demise of Ayatollah Ha’iri (1315) and the entrance of Ayatollah Burujirdi (1323), Islamic seminary in Qom faced different problems. This era can be divided into two parts; the first, the last five years of kingdom of Rida Shah and his despotism and pressure of government on seminary. The second part: the first three years of the kingdom of the Muhammad Rida Shah which was accompanied with some problems caused by Second World War; like the entrance of the Allies, inability of the central government and famine. All this problems led to an unfavorable situation that wasn’t far from destroying seminary. In this situation, the co-management of Ayatollahs Hujjat, Sadr and Khwansari with help of some other faqihs saved the seminary. In this dissertation, author tries to discuss sociopolitical situation of Iran in the 8 years with concentration on the life and the role of this three marja’s. The method of this research is analyzing the historical dates of the era 1315-1323.