“Studding the cultural and political life of Shalmaghani”

Mohammad Taghi Zakeri
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Nematollah Safari Foroushani
Mohammad Ghafouri Nejad

Shalmaghani was a Shiite extremist that Pretended to be the representative of the Twelfth Imam (Pbuh) in the era of occultation. However, in the era of occultation, there were many Shiite figures being fake representatives of the Twelfth Imam but he was the most knowledgeable with a high academic standing and his writings had special position among the Shiites. He also had features that were certain among other false claimants. He was very close to Hussein Ibn Rouh and was referred by The Shiites.   In addition, he also had a high social status among followers and loyal supporters and among the governors. Having these privileges, Shalmaghani was tempted to be the head of the Shiites by grasping the presidency of the representatives. Therefore, he tried hard to achieve this by smart and subtle plannings and so he was resulted to be exited from Shiite trust circle.  Studding his books and traditions help us understand his ideas and followers. In addition studding the sources data about his claims, shows that although he was lying about being claimant of the Twelfth Imam but most of the ideas attributed to him like claims of divinity and quote to be lawful of sexual relations in absolute cannot be correct.