Objectives and Nature of Proximity and Seeking Unity of Imam Hussain’s (a) Uprising

HamidReza Bigdeli
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Hamidriza Shariatmadari
Mohammad Sehati Sarvadari

There have been made various speeches and taken different views on Imam Hussain (a) uprising and his movement in ‘Ashura from the past up to now. And it may be said that everyone has stated some words thanks to his own view and prejudice.    Different writers dealt with the event, having various motives or sometimes adopting historical, epistemological and emotional approaches. However, the discussions on the nature, approach and Imam Hussain’s (a) objectives for proximity and unity are from among the recent ones in the present era. The author of this thesis has organized it in five chapters as well as some appendixes to prove its importance.  The first chapter provides a general discussion on the study of concepts attributed to Imams concerning proximity. The second chapter provides some discussions on the general aims of Imam Hussain’s (a) uprising. The third studies the motives and objectives of uprising expressed by Imam himself. The fourth reports and analyzes the motives and aims of Imam Hussain (a) in the viewpoints of outstanding scholars of the Sunnites. The fifth provides an analytical view on the reflections of Imam Hussain’s (a) uprising and its impact on the whole world of Islam and its important consequences. The appendix also contains some speeches and articles related to the thesis subject.