Mystic and educative viewpoints of Jalal al-din Mohammad Majd al-Ashraf

Fatemeh A’lami
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Mohammd-Javad Shams
morteza Karbalaei

    There exist Great and scientific people in the history of Sufism and mysticism, who has done many services in favor of Sufism but remained unknown; even their works are not available for enthusiasts of this field. Majd al-Ashraf Shirazi is the thirty sixth Qutb of Zahabiyya order. He was born into a family that was the leader in the world of science and mysticism and he also had the spiritual authority as custodian of the holy shrine of Shahcheragh besides being the Qutd of Zahabiyya.  The study of life, works and thoughts of Majd al-Ashraf Shirazi would be helpful to know his own scientific and mystical thoughts and the logical process of Zahabiyya order which is one of the main and affective orders of Iran and the Sufi world.  Writing books and essays and training wayfarers in conducting God’s path of righteousness and using art to promote mysticism, Majd al-Ashraf Shirazi had played main role in production and development of Imami thoughts in a way that he believed passing the four stations of self and seven stations of heart depend on saintship of imams; and the spiritual perfection of the wayfarer is to reveal saintship manifestations. He believed that intuitive knowledge confirms wisdom and quotes and considered Know-it، Right-it، Certainty and Take-it as the hierarchy of cognition; Take-it is the most complete stage among these stages and if wayfarers of Zahabiyya don’t reach this stage, they are not assigned with polar position. He rejected the Sufism and mysticism that doesn’t accompany Sharia and regarded it as useless. He is not only a complete mystic but also an expert lawyer. This essay is aimed to study the life and family situation of Majd al-Ashraf Shirazi and his family as well as expressing some of his mystic thoughts which is mixed with wisdom in the area of  Ontology, Epistemology,Practical Spiritual wayfaring, Interactions and Religious Practices by studying a few of his books and essays.