The Survey of the Theoretical Basis of Mystic Symbolism in Molana`s Masnavi.

Mohammad Hasan Javadi
Philosophy and Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Abolghasem Hoseini Zarfa
Ahmad shahdadi

The transcendental truths and mystical perceptions cannot be described in words and sentences, and therefore, the literary language and poetic language are inevitably needed so as to express them in words. In fact the wiseman has no choice except to take advantage of poem and use its particular tool, that is to say the symbolic  language. By this means he can express his intention. Of course, the mystical symbol in mystic language is rooted into a higher truthful existence. In this case, Masnavi is the book of mystical thoughts in the language of poetry, stories and symbol. Analysis these thoughts in Masnavi requires motifs which have been expressed in the mystical lifetime in common, such as «The unity of being»; the universe exclusiveness in one absolute truth and «Revelation theory»; which means the process of realization of the plurality of the unit and how they relate to the origin of existence. And finally «The perfect man» and «love» which is the basic topic of the mystical thoughts. Now for proving this notion that in symbolism and theme used in Masnavi, the mystical bases exist, the symbolic language is required to investigate carefully and by drawing the main symbols and the relationship with the sub symbols, the symbolism of the Masnavi will be revealed. Of course, this work is only done with the coherent way and with the cluster analysis method. By this method, first of all the relationship between codes and symbols will be discovered and the next, the contrast sub symbols with the main ones in the case of interrelation will be mainfested, and they show the majority cases of mystical motifs.