“The impact of theBuyidson the history of Shi’a”
- Author:
- Masoud Saedi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Studies of Shiite history
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mansour Dadashzadeh
- Advisor(s):
- AhamdFallahzadeh
Inthisdissertation,withreference toreliable sources, it attempts to study the impact ofthe Buyids on the history of Shi’a. In the first step, it takes a look at the history of the Buyids and its origins and then we addresses cultural and social impactofthe Buyids on the history Shi’a. The Buyids did some political actions that affect the history Shi’a temporary such as to limit theAbbasid and establish a Shiite state in the center of the Sunnis (Baghdad). It shoes the background of political ideas of the Buyids. The Buyidsin the cultural fieldperformedvaluableservicessuch as creatinga cultural basis forthe growth ofShiite scholarsinvarious disciplines, and to build multiple many libraries around its territory andmultipleplacesforscience. These actions resulted in flourishingknowledgeandcivilizationof Shi’a. At the end ofthe study, it addressesthe study ofeffectsandshortcomingsin the period of The Buyids. One ofthe most important shortcomingswasto spread somereligiousextremismand escalation of conflict.