Henry Corbin and assessed from the perspective of Shiite mysticism and criticism relying Brasar Tabatabai
- Author:
- Zahra Aref Kashani
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Sufism and Islamic mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Hassan Arab
- Advisor(s):
- Abolfazl Firuzi
Pillars of Islam, especially Shia province. Intellectual system Shiite doctrine in the province, has witnessed a variety of different interpretations. Each thinker, according to his knowledge of the system, explain it, and this explains the major categories philosophical, spiritual, and theological tradition of classification. It is no secret that some of the views from two or more devices have benefited concept and has organized his theory. Such an approach, other methods have produced and has opened newer horizons. If the point of departure was a thoughtful sayings, but as an explanation and justification, has used a mystical device. Recognition of the concept of “guardianship” of mysticism and mystics full recognition and recognition “pure monotheism”, ranging from monotheism and the unity of intuitive knowledge, whether pure unitary and complete the “Vlaytshnasy” manifest. One of the scientists who have a very good understanding of the manifestation of the province, the French scholar Henry Corbin. Unlike most of the few studies on suspicion of orientalists writing about Eastern and Islamic culture focused, detailed and extensive studies on Islamic civilization and Islamic culture in particular has written. The study of how much Corbin is saying that he was aware of Islamic culture. The man with his study and implementation of the works of other historians will realize that he has fulfilled the works of Orientalists in comprehensiveness and depth is thought to his feet. The vote on Corbin and its implementation with a view Tabatabai makes the intellectual system Shiite teachings are best understood in the province.