Khatmiyya Tariqa in Sudan (History, Belief & conventions)

Mohammad Reza Jafari
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Mohammad Javad Shams
Yousef Ghazbani

 Khatmiyya or Mirghanyya  sufi tariqa is one of the late sufi tariqas founded by Seyed Mohamed Osman Mirghani in the thirteenth century. He was an outstanding student of Ibn Idris al-Fasi, decided to subsume sufi orders, especially orders that he were directly connected with them, under one name. Although he was living in Mecca and he was considered as Hejazi scholar, but he was concerned with extensive promotional activities in North Africa, especially in Sudan, Egypt and Eritrea and he enjoyed considerable success in promoting this tariqa and became famous under the title of “Al al-beyt tariqa”. After various changes such as World Wars I and II, Egyptian Turkish government, Great Britain domination in Sudan, Mahdi Sudani uprising, as well as leadership changes and integration with socio-political issues, Khatmiyya tariqa experienced several ups and downs and now is led by Seyed Ali Mirghani in the form of Sufi religious organization and also the National Democratic Union Party is one of the most influential factors in the Sudan community. This research is a descriptive method research based on library resources. having deals with general consideration, the first chapter consider backgrounds of Khatmiyya tariqa and the way in which it entered into Sudan and influence of Ibn Idris al-Fasi on Khatmiyya tariqa. The second chapter deals with historical periods of this tariqa and introducing Seyedd Mohammad Osman Mirghni, as a founder, and his children, especially Seyed Hassan Mirghni and changes in the Sudan in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries A.H. and challenges and the decline of this tariqa in the fourteenth century A.H. and its relationship with Mahdyya tariqa. The third chapter deals with the current status of this tariqa and its theories around unity of God, Sainthood, miraculous deed of spiritual Guide, spiritual Guide and Follower ‘s relationship, tariqa ‘s rights, followers and other tariqas, worship and invocation, the presence of women in society, system of government and initiation quality.