Mystical explanation of the scientific and genetic encompassing of perfect man on the states and acts of man and its educational effects

Reza darvishpour
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Amir Javan Arasteh
Ali fazli

One of the most fundamental issues in mysticism is the perfect man and his related characteristic and affairs. These central characteristics play an essential role both in theoretical and practical mysticism. In addition, they enable his scientific encompassing and consequently, his ontological domination. This state that can be studied from different aspects is the main subject of the present thesis. On the other hand, if one considers such state and encompassing for the perfect man, it is required then to tell whether this insight has educational effects or not. The present study is based on a library research method. After explaining and proving the scientific and domination encompassing of the perfect man compared to other creatures through a fundamental-practical approach, this thesis has determined the quality and quiddity of this scientific and genetic encompassing in universe and also in human affairs. The findings indicate that the scientific and genetic encompassing of the perfect man is not only necessary, but also the same factor by which human beings are directed toward the divine path. Therefore, being aware of the continuous look of divine agent, they feel comfortable and secure in heart.