The translation of part 1 of Code of Jewish Law With Analitic Introduction

Maryam Mohammadnejad Chari
Non-Abrahamic religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Ali Shahbazi
Arash Abaie

Since the religious law is the base of Judaism, and religious figures, the jurists, and their works show this fact and indicate the important status and place of it, this thesis was written based on Jewish law to find a good comperehension of juridical issues of Judaism. After general issues this thesis has been compiled in two main section of analytic introduction and translation of a point of the book in Jewish Law. In analytic introduction the concept and developement process of Jewish law are mentioned and the process of Compilation and place of Shulhan Aruh and Various perspectives on its author are also pointed out. Needless to say that Kitzar Shulhan Aruh is one of the most important and valid books on Jewish Law and its author is one of the celebrated scholars in history of Judaism. Twenty Two chapters of first part of Code of Jewish Law translated into Persian. In nineteenth century Shulhan Aruh was summarized and called kitzur Shalhan Aruh and in 1961 it was translated in English by Rabbi Solomon Ganzfried that is includes different subjects,such as: Rules of conduct upon rising in the morning,Rules of decency,On dressing and deportment,Laws relating to benedictions, The tzitzit (Fringes), The tefillin (Phylacteries), The mezuzah, The shema and its benedictions.