Yoga matched reinvented version of psychosomatic health In Islamic law

Seyyed Javad Ebrahimi
Non-Abrahamic religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Ali Movahedi atar
Khalil Ghanbari

One of the expectations of the followers of different religions and schools of scholars and advocates of this school and religions, release mental health – is tons of attention and followers of religions has been requested. For this purpose, various religions that all claim to happiness for human guidance, a series of commands and programs are available specifically for this purpose. But all these schools and religions in providing practical Plan to find much success untreated psychosocial health ton. Providing psychosocial health-ton version of Islam that comply with the conditions of contemporary man and to inhibit stress, moral and behavioral disorders, physical illness, problems caused by the pain and suffering of life, etc., of Zrvry¬Tryn assignments Islamic scholars is the world today. In this study psychosocial health ton in this release is based on original texts and comments of Islamic scholars. To try to deliver the first version, the version psychosocial health ton of Yoga as a successful example in the world today that are of interest to followers of various religions, placed, and pay attention to three features that operational Yoga, Spooky version of the structure in the course of the preliminary stage to refine and complete, offering psychosocial health-ton version of Brmy¬Yym.