Analysis of the Insidious beasts in the Zoroastrian faith from the perspective of ontology
- Author:
- Mohsen Harati
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Non-Abrahamic religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2016
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Saeed Reza Montazeri
- Advisor(s):
- Mostafa Farhoudi
Among the various conflicts that exist on Zoroastrian Faith, monotheism has long been a special subject. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the status of insects from the perspective of ontology, can be helpful to respond to these concerns and overcome the conflicts. This study, using a descriptive method and based on library studies, analyzes the insects’ status based on Zoroastrian sources, such as; Avesta, Bundahisn, Pahlavi’s narrative, Shāyast ne-Shāyast, one hundred in prose and one hundred in Bundahisn, Book of Arda Viraf, etc. The results of studying subjects such as; Analysis of the status of insects in Zoroastrianism, the relationship between insects and existence of evil, evil and good, evil and monotheism, absence or the relatively of evil, humanism in evil phenomenon and the benefits of evil, and also that evil is needed so that good will happen, and moral evil, necessity of human and evil will, a tool for human evolution, all of these bring us to the fact that the creator of all phenomena is one. On the other hand, proving the existence of insects and appointing them to demons, is one of the major challenges and serious critiques on monotheism of Zarathustra which proves the importance of research in this field.