The relation between substantial motion of soul and creation of art work

Mohammed Hosain Porhemmat
The Wisdom of Islamic Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Ahmad Shahdadi
Seyyed Razi Mousavi Gilany

Molla-Sadra knows reality of soul as shadowy; that is, soul has the divine attributes and perfection including creativity in form of shadow.  He believes that artistsinherit part of divine vicegerency. He, also, believes that human vicegerally does affairs which God independently creates. The soul of artist becomes manifestation of attributions like as creative, creator, innovator and form-giver.  Because,  the  sign of  divine vicegerency aspect  and God-like  in human is that  human ( like as God)  has   power to create,  not only as  making and producing thing  , but also  as  creating  from nothing  which is the  real meaning of  creation.  Art  creation  results from  change  in substantial motion  and intensifying motion  of soul and its creativity.  The soul will be able to create art work  by substantial  increase  of intensity  and  reaching incorporeality  of imagination.  However, change in substantial motion of soul  provides existential possibility of art creation and the creative faculty ( power) of human is actualized by it.  The artist creates  art work in accordance with  cognitive and existential stage of his/her soul. The necessity  of existential transcendence  of soul  and the creation of monotheistic art work  is to  use  practical  and speculative faculties ( power) to spiritually perfect  the soul.  The soul moves from plurality to unity through change in substantial motion. Whatever the artist attends to shadowy  unity  of his/her soul ,  he/she  achieves  more  unity  in artistic  elements. Art creation will be continuous and immortal until the soul has change in substantial motion.