A Survey on the Origin of Beauty in the Mystical Aesthetics of Roozbahan Baghli, concenterating on his Abhar-ul-Asheghin

Alireza Khademuzzakerin
Philosophy of Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Razi Moosavi Gilani
Amir Javan Arasteh

The present thesis surveys the origin of beauty in the mystical aesthetics of Roozbahan Baghli, concenterating on his Abhar-ul-Asheghin. Analyzing Baghli,s thoughts through a descriptive-analytical method and getting use of library sources, the thesis come to the conclusion that whenever he intends to talk about “Husn” (Goodness) it is preceded by the notion of “Tadjalli” (Reflection) as the key to understand its meaning. According to Baghli, essentially, goodness is a Divine attribute that is reflected in the form of creation, therefore it could be maintained that to him the origin of beauty is metaphysical. He believes in assimilation and purification of God as a way to discover the origin of beauty, based on the world of imagination. He believes that the source of this tangible world is located in the Upper world and what we witness is merely a reflection of it. To baghli, the ultimate of life is to acheive the source of absolute truth, goodness and beauty. On the other side, in Baghli,s romantic sufism, human is the reflection of God,s beauty. Thus, in his view, to love goodness and beauty is an integral part for knowing and loving God. If we want to summarize metaphysical or mystical aesthetics from the viwepoint of Baghli in a way to clarify its relation both with virtue and knowledge, we ought to say that: Divine beauty descends to human beauty in order for him to be able to achieve it.