Shiism from the Viewpoint of the Orientalists
- Author:
- Maryam Tavanayi Ranjbar
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Shia Studies
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2016
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Fatemeh Ghanbari
- Advisor(s):
- Mahdi Esmaeeli
During the history, shi’ism has had important and basic role to awaken Islamic nation according as not only aware the Islamic societies to cruelty and injustice permitted to them, but also Islam is pointed as a serious threat to western colonialisms. So in the view of western colonialisms and orientalists, dominating on eastern countries and Islamic world always is an inaccessible dream. The research reviewed the shi’ism in the view of orientalists, due to orientalism displayed in any aspects of east life and Islam and the enormous activities of west against Islam, Quran, and Shia extended so that eastern’s independence is in danger, so the risky duty is to know these orientalists and their believes about shia. The presented research starts with studying the key concepts; because knowing key concepts is important to understanding subjects of booklet. Another subject which is studied is the source of shi’ism in public aspect, in Shies’ and Sunni’s view according to verses and stories Imam Ali is introduced as a leader and warden. Among, handed orientalists have introduced the root of shia in Gods prophet time and twin of islam, but many have known it risen of changes and happens that happen after prophet. Among that a group knows the sources of Shia and Sunni as conflicts for christen of prophet at day of Sagifeh , some people pay no attention to imam Alis status and altitude and know peoples allegiance with Imam Ali and the story of Othmans killing as a main reason of birth of shi’ism, also some groups know that birth of shi’ism is after Jamal war and due to supporting of imam Ali and there were groups which assign the birth of shi’ism according to Karbala happenings and after Imam Houseins’ martyrdom or from Iranian. People in relation with orientalists and their goals started to study and remark. These orientalists are studied under three views, in the pessimistic theory of west in oriental passerby study tries to empery the west to east, weak Islam and expand Christianity that is introduced by advertising, imperialism, politic, religious ,mental and other motivations. In the theory of intergroup of the fans of theory, have reasonably studied the oriental phenomenon not accepting their works and absorbing them but remand both negative and positive points. In optimistic theory have known the Orientals as warm hearted toward rescuing the eastern from idiotism and obliquity, they have influenced to east and Islamic societies during different periods and levels, at level of religious orient west tried to obtain science, culture and thoughts of Muslims and in this way imparts Christian scientists and pops who have no goal except evangelism and in military level they have made enormous harms through the force and violence and lifting books and manuscripts and transferring expensive heritage of east to Europe and burning a lot of books. In politic and imperialism level, west is seen in lands of Africa and Asia by countries such as France, England, Netherlands, and Germany etcetera. But in scientific orient level some handed scientists of west were bash of pre oriental one sided works and known them because of foolishness and lack of knowing cognitions of Islam and lastly started to wistful study about Islam.