The Study of Hassanains’ (p. b. u. them) Viewpoint on Convergence Dealing with Cons

Fatemeh Shoushtarizadeh
The difference between Shiites
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Ali Aghanoori
Azam Khoshsuorat Moaafagh

The purpose of this study which is to investigate Imam Hassan (p. b. u. him) and Imam Hossain’s (p. b. u. him) performance in confronting their pros and cons, is considered a scientific guidline by  nature with respect  to the unifying the muslems and  removing the conflicts among Islamic Omma. Both Imams have been busy establishing brotherhood among Islamic Societies and refusing any political tensions among them. Imam Hassan’s Lifestyle shows that he intended to create unity in Islamic Society, and Imam Hossain (p. b. u. him) stated that his historic movement in Ashoora was just reforming his predecessor’s Omma’s affairs nothing else. His movement should not be considered a shiah only. In sum, what was important for both Imams was to the protect religion and Islamic society against diversion and schism, and predispose for improving the ascendency of the Holy prophet’s Heritage. Since unity converging the Islamic sects have always been the main issues of the Islamic world. Presentation of the acceptable and superior patterns can show the right path to those who have got responsibility in this regard and all religious circles and scholar departments wanting to benefit from the results provided by such studies. So this study tries to analyze the content of religious textbooks. The collection of data was conducted by library research. Data show that many religious scientists and ethic scientists have directly and indirectly several books about Imam Hassan’s (p. b. u. him) political peaceful life and Imam Hossain’s (p. b. u. him) movement. But a special dissertation which directly deals with both Imams’ attitudes toward their pros and cons was not found.