Shiite primacy in constituting and founding of sciences In the first two Hijra centuries, with focus on the the late Seyyed Hasan Sadrʼs votes

Mahdi Aramesh
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Javdan
Yahya Abdullahi

In The review of the history of every science, the study of the pioneers and founders of the science, is very important. The late Seyyed Hasan Sadrʼs theory has been proposed in his book “Ta’sis Alshia Le Oloomal Eslam (Establishment of Shiites in Islam Sciences)”, is that in Islamic and Non-Islamic sciences from the second century onwards of the Islamic world were entered, It is always Shiites in the establishment of science in the Islam world, leading Sunnis and other sects of Islam. In this study, by more review and more expansion and explanation of Seyyed Hasan Sadrʼs views in the Shiite pioneering investigated and with separate study each Islamic and non-Islamic sciences, we conclude that the Shiites always on top and a pioneer in science period their own. By study of late Sadrʼs opinions, determined that he meant the “Shitte”, is only Twelver Shiite. He also in the study of Shiiteʼs pioneer, just not limited to Shi’ite sources; But also is used from Sunni scholars sources such as “Al-Suyuti”,”Hafiz Asqalani”,”Hafiz Dhahabi” and many other Sunni scholars. Also from reasons for study of the Shiiteʼs pioneer in sciences, can be mentioned to factors such as following from infallible Imams (Peace be upon them), prevent distorting the pure Islamic teachings and prove the truth of Shiite compared to other Islamic sects.