The effects and outcomes of caliphate’s transitions in the half of first century A.H.

hamidreza shojaeifard
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Ali Qaemi
Alireza Imani Moghaddam

The thesis purposed to investigate the political effects and outcomes of caliphate transitions in the half of first century A. H has been write in 5 sections by descriptive-analytical method. First, using Quran’s verses the God’s caliph’s characterizations in terms of positive and negative traits have been expressed. By Quran reasons and narratives, it has been proven that the earth is not vacant of God’s proof. Then the Quran’s samples of God’s caliph and divine caliph after Islam current have been considered and within it the authority of the word and prophet (p. b. u. h)’s character sketch proved. Afterward, the theory of determining the successor and the theory of absence of determining the successor have been studied. The section three is allocated to a comparative study of the performance of caliphs emphasizing Muhammad (p. b. u. h)’s traditions. The section contains three parts including studying the caliphs’ performances in scientific-religious, socio-cultural and economic backgrounds until the half of first century A. H.  The forth section is about considering the freedom, safety, national and international relationships and law and enforcement states in which affective performances in the political sphere have been analyzed. In conclusion it was indicated that the changes of caliphate in the half of the first century A. H were result of the independence of will of a part of the Islamic nation against God wiling that leaded to sedition, separation and changing the religion so that at least just a name remained from Islam; hence, the just way to come out of this plight is_ that is what the prophet (p. b. u. h) requests from Muslims in the Hadith of the two weighty things_ to have resort to Quran and Imams.