Comparison of properties (attributes) prophets arch from the perspective of Twelver Shi’a and Ash’arites

Razie Farazmand
Theological religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Hamid Malek Makan
Mostafa Kazemi

Allah the Almighty has honored the divine prophets, some to the arch, the scientists Shi’a and Sunni (Ash’arites) There is no unanimity within the meaning of arch with each other and have different meanings it has to offer. Shi’a scholars believe that the prophets, those who were first invited Second World has been the law, are arch. They believe that the arch in five chosen prophet and prophets (Noah (AS), Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad), and other divine prophets Mnhsrast not arch. However, in the words of the Shi’a Ulema Ash’aerites are not like-minded. Ash’ari school of the prophets traits except Fakhr Razi rest only to discuss the necessity of prophecy, the infallibility of the prophets and the reasons for them are not focused and the other attributes of the prophets discussion among them also among the prophets, and the prophets Alvalzm not discriminate, so specific features or characteristics not care for them, so if the characters in their interpretations discussed prophets, prophets were considered for the public. The main difference between the two sects and radical, in particular DhY arch is whether prophets or messengers However, like many other attributes, attribute common to all prophets? The main question the study sought to find the answer to it is what the similarities and differences between Twelver Shi’a and Ash’arites common traits of the prophets of the arch there? To answer the question of how the library is used.