Kenneth J. Surin’s viewpoint to Discourse Criticism of Theodicy

Mahdi Khosravi Sereshki
Philosophy of Religion
Faculty of Philosophy
URD Press

The problem of evil is   one of the most important issues of both theology and philosophy of religion. There are different types of evil; Natural, Moral, Emotional, and Metaphysical. Several problems result from the problem of evil: Logical Problem of Evil (inherent between the existence of God and Evil), Evidential Problem of Evil (justification of God`s fairness versus the existence and abundance of Evil), Existential Problem of Evil (the pain of human being caused by the condition of his existence). Based on different types of the Problem of Evil, the solutions are categorized in three groups: Defense, solution to the Logical problem of Evil; Theodicy, solution to the Evidential Problem of Evil; consolation and giving meaning, solution to the Existential Problem of Evil. Kenneth J. Surin in his book “Theology and the Problem of Evil” states that the long and complicated history of Theodicy shows that Theodicies have had different origins, and their framework and their responsibility has also been influenced by different historical eras discourses. In his book, he has many discourse Criticisms of Theodicies (eighteen Criticisms, based on what we have found) and at the end suggests his own practical approach and sacrifice oriented Theodicies. In this thesis, Surbin`s point of view in Discourse Criticism of Theodicy will be presented in eighteen discourse criticisms.