The study of cosmology Allame Haeri Semnani and Majlesi
- Author:
- Seyyed Ali Reza Fayazi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Philosophy and Islamic theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Year:
- 2017
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Ali Fazli
Compared with the views of the philosophers who believe in the theory of the issuance of the universe of God, Allameh Majlesi believes in the theory of creation and creation of the universe. The belief in the universe of the universe means the beginning of the world, and the creation of the universe from the universe, is one of the most fundamental beliefs of all divine and monotheistic religions, and essentially the boundary between the divine and the divine is the question of whether the being is initiated and, consequently, the Creator and Creator Or that it is without initiation and anxiety, and then the assumption of the creator of it will be eliminated. Of course, Muslim philosophers, while believing in the ıl’ite of the universe and not starting it, speak of God. From there, in the eyes of Allameh Haeri Semnani on cosmology, it is said:He believed in a nine-dimensional theory that came from the Ptolemaic Board, who believed that the earth was the center of the world, and the nine heavens were in the form of a bulbous skin. He considered the number of intellects to be ten, and called the tenth intellect as the active wisdom, which is carried out by the peasant’s management of this world. The Qur’an says that “Al-Safat Safa” is the meaning of this intellect. Also, the meaning of “Falamabrāt Amra” is the predestined mortal population, which carries out the task of moving its own body, which is a celestial body. And as the first intellect originated from the emergence of the second intellect and the first element of the first flutter, the second intellect and the third, are also the origin of the appearance of bodies and nonsense. On the other hand, Allameh Majlesi criticizes the Ptolemy delegation:
The philosophers of the Ptolemy delegation saw the quality of the creation of the earth and the earth as the revelation of the house, and considered the four quarters of the nine Wahlfaks to be invincible principles, they said that the throne is the ninth flute which is called the “atlas of the valley” and surrounds all the planets. Bari calls for a review of the views of Allamah Majlisi in the critique of the Ptolemy Board with theological look and Allameh Haeri Semnani with a philosophical perspective.