“The Mystical Journey and its Ultimate Goal from the Perspective of Allameh Tabataba’i”

Hamidreza Rastegar
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Asghar Norouzi
Hamed Ale-Yamin

The mystical journey as a reminder of God is one of the most important Islamic worship plays an important role in the spiritual evolution of man. For this reason, this religious doctrine is a comprehensive reflection of mysticism and Islamic Sufism, and the basis of the evolutionary process of man. Without the remembrance of his Lord, man will not be able to develop into the finest degrees and the most honest positions, and in general, evolution. As mentioned above, in all stages of mystical journey, the mentioning of God is influential and important. A seeker, who is at the beginning of the Allah’s pilgrimage, can pass this difficult path only through recapturing and insinuating himself through the light of reminding God. Even an ultimate seeker, without mentioning Allah, will never be able to reach the highest mystical levels. Allameh Tabatabai’s thinking is in the harmony with Quran, mysticism and wisdom. His deep and luminous thoughts remain a clear spring in the memory of the culture and thought of this land. From the perspective of Allameh, the mystical journey through the divine stages is the purpose of human creation. One of the most important things in this way is to have a capable and experienced master. According to the professionals of this field, it is difficult or rather impossible to reaching the arc of ascension without a master.