Review of Tatekam and Ekamevādvitiyaṃ in The Śvetāśvatara and Chandogya Upaniṣad from point of view of Ādi Śaṅkara Ācārya

Zeinab Sadat Alavi
Abrahamic Religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyyed Mohammad Rouhani

One of the oldest and most original traditions of thought and Indian philosophy in Advaita Vedānta School is under the authority of Ādi Śaṅkara Ācārya He is called Unitarianism and his school is known as the most popular philosophical school in India that indicates the trainings of Upanishads In his Unitarian thesis we encounter with unique being of Panentheism Although he has taken the originality of his thesis from the 90th song of tenth mandala of Ṛg Veda that is universal human song or Puruṣa Sukta which came into existence from the sacrificial of…..from one fourth of universe and the other three forth is in the infinity of the heavens. So if human succeeds in knowing the Brahman that’s because Brahman is in human soul. The belief and effort of Ādi Śaṅkara Ācārya in proving the absolute Unique Being which is without any determination and the exact sameness of Atman and Brahman is based on the fact that Atman (the individual soul) and Brahman (the main soul) aren’t separated and the universe is just an unreal appearance which is the result of the illusion and imagination of Brahman. Following Upanishads He calls the soul Atman and believes that Brahman & Atman aren’t separated and are the same. The matter under research in this dissertation is the unity of being in the mystic order and the philosophy of Indian religion. With concentration on two old texts of this religion named Śvetāśvatara and Chandogya Upaniṣad which is based on the opinions of one of the most famous philosophers of Hindu religion Ādi Śaṅkara Ācārya.