Clarifying the artistic creation based on Mulla Sadra’s statement about “union of the intellect and intelligible”

Amir Asadollah Bonakdar
Philosophy of Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Ahmad Shahdadi
Seyyed Razi Mousavi Gilany

According to  rule “union of the  intellect  and   intelligible”  which is the principal  one  in  the  philosophy  of   Mulla Sadra  and  is called  ” union of the  knower  and known ” and  ” union of the perceiver and the  perceived”,   contrary to previous  philosophers  who considered  the knowledge  as accident  and  having incarnational  position  for soul  substance , he  has  known  that the  modes of   perception  ( including sense , imaginative and intellectual)  are   immaterial   and  have  existence  form  and  mode of existence  and  observed that  the soul (spirit)  has procession ( emanation) than perceptions. In fact , substantial  motion ( change in  substance )  of  soul (spirit)  occurred  on the  basis  of  promotion of perceptional   stages.  It is clear  that  this  special status  and  the  creator  of   modes of perception  toward  soul( spirit)  have   direct  effect  on formation of personality  or spiritual  growth  of  artist who is the  origin of  creating  artistic  work.  In theoretical  analysis  of this  process,  there are two stages : arc of  ascent  ( curve of  ascent)  and   arc of descent( curve  of  descent).  The  stages  of  soul have  been  investigated  from  the  first sense  perception  of soul  in fetal  period  to  reaching  the  stage  of  relation to ( communication with) active  intellect  in  arc of  ascent  and  thereof  to returning to tangible  world and   creating  an actual   artistic work     in   arc of descent.  Fictitious  world ( imaginal universe )  as intermediary  world in the soul  which  is between  sense and intelligible  stages   is  the  origin of creativity  which  is the majesty  of God-looking  soul  of human under divine  creativity.  But ,  according to  the fact  that it is affected by  sense world or intelligibla,  creativity  of  human’s  imagination   brings  different  result  in  creating  artistic  work. Also,  in  arc of  descent ,  types of  artistic formats   have   been  investigated  according to the  fact  by which external sense   they   are  affected  and  on which  senses  they    affect  and  the  perceptions that  they create  in  soul.