“Measuring the Sahāba’s Adherence to the Prophet’s Financial Orders”

Mostafa Nasr
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Emdad Touran

Economic affairs are of the most important issues. It has also led Islam to pay much attention to these subjects and to reveal many verses and to give its messenger various orders in many cases, and regulate separate and different rulings.  The necessity of khums and zakat, and the prohibition and sanctions on certain transactions and businesses, such as treason and bribes and the payment of alms, and the charity and charity, and the recommended Zakat, each given under conditions and communicated by the great Prophet of Islam, and the Islamic society also against these decrees God divorced and deactivated. During the life of the Prophet, and after his death, the behavior and attitudes of the people, especially the companions of the Prophet, have been reported with different Islamic financial orders. The Holy Prophet’s companions, both in the age of life of the prophet of Islam and in the aftermath of his death, were obedient to what they were commanding and commanded, because they committed the commandment of the Prophet in any field, such as social, military, financial, legal, and social …, they considered the divine commandment and they considered the violation of their commands to be a sin and a disobedience to God’s command. But among these companions there were also some who were not obedient to their commands, which were the divine rules, and in various forms openly and secretly protested and even disagreed, and did not obey their commands, and their behavior was completely financially contradictory to Sira. Several of these behaviors are mentioned by the Companions.