The role of educational centers in the expansion of Shi’ism in the era of the Ilkhanan
- Author:
- Vajihe Javani
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Studies of Shiite history
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2018
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Alireza Vasei
- Advisor(s):
- Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini
This research, in a librarian style based on the study of historical books and books, examines the role of educational centers in the period of the Ilkhanis in the expansion of Shiism. Since the establishment of the Ilkhani government in Iran, there has been a lot of political and social changes that were unprecedented before then, and the Ilkhanids, who are now the heirs of the Muslim and expansionist government of Khwarizm, were a new chapter in political developments, The cultural and economic conditions of this land, which was the beginning of the battle between the Shamshir and the Pen, so these developments provided the ground for the entry of Shi’i scholars into the government apparatus. The Ilkhans handed over their territory to the great Iranian rulers in the light of the needs and necessities of political, economic, as well as specific social and cultural considerations facing their internal and external policies. To the extent that genuine families, such as Jowney and Khaje Nasir al-Din Tusi, dominated the ideas of the conquerors, they fostered the prosperity of Iranian-Islamic scholarship and civilization and culture, as well as the fields of attention to the cultural life of the Ilkhan era. The Ilkhani’s passion for Islam and, consequently, the non-compliance with YASA’s dry orders helped the flourishing scientific and cultural prosperity. With the support of scholars and scholars and the use of religious tolerance, the Sultans of the Ilkhans have created educational centers such as schools, mosques and monasteries in their respective territories, which makes it important for these centers to work. The expansion of educational centers that helped promote Islam gradually expanded to Shi’ism. And the prosperity of Shiism.