“The Relationship between Religion and Ethics from the Perspective of Taha Abdurrahman”
- Author:
- Abolfazl Sepahi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Philosophy of ethics
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Year:
- 2018
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Abolghasem Fanaei
The present thesis is done with a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of reporting and evaluating the views of Taha Abdurrahman_ the contemporary Moroccan philosopher _ on the relationship between religion and ethics. In his works, Abdurrahman has criticized Western modernity on the ethical point of view and has paid attention to the relationship between religion and ethics. He also criticizes Socrates’s question in the Euthyphro ‘s treatise. While not accepting the three approaches including the dependence of religion to ethics, the dependence of ethics to religion, and the independence of religion from ethics he seeks to find a different answer for this question by redefining concepts such as reason, practice and religion. He considers the pattern of unity of faith-oriented religion and ethics to be a suitable alternative to the three philosophical approaches. In addition to criticizing Western modernism, Abdurrahman has not neglected the critique of Islamic tradition in the pursuit of Islamic modernism, and criticizes the jurisprudential, philosophical, and theological doctrine of the Islamic world and their plagues in detail. Although the critical and reformist view of Abdurrahman in the Islamic tradition contains valuable precisions and notable pathologies, his answer to the philosophical question of the relationship between religions _ in the general sense _and ethics has some shortcomings and weaknesses. However, there is a great deal of evidence that Abdurrahman believes in a particular type of religion’s dependence to morality about the relationship between religion (in the special sense of the law) and ethics _in the field of religion and Ijtihad _. Also, about the relationship between religion and ethics in the field of religiosity, and under the influence of Islamic Sufism, Abdurrahman defends the affiliation of reason to the Shari’a in the stages of rational development, and defends the interrelation and unification of reason and religion in stages of intellectual perfection. The thesis, while describing Abdurrahman’s views on the relationship between religion and ethics, tries to criticize and evaluate from a philosophical point of view.