The Discriptive Bilbilography Of The Critics and Oppotions agaiast The sufies And Sufism Up To Safavids Era.
- Author:
- Hamid Salati
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Sufism and Islamic mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2019
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Amir Javan Arasteh
- Advisor(s):
- Rahman Bolhasani
Descriptive-bibliographical bibliography, in each branch of science, is somehow a way of familiarizing the people with the subject matter and the works written on the subject, and in more explicit terms, is a kind of general scientific envelope in the subject matter that it deals with. According to the rule, the research has had the same mission in the subject matter, and it is in the reader’s mind to draw a glimpse of the books written on the criticisms and traditions of Sufism and Sufism before Safavid. It should be noted that the greatest achievement of this study, which is the general reader’s nobility, is about the subject of this research and the books written on this subject. Is introduced… In this research, four important books have been titled: Al-Lam’a Faylatsof, Al-Qa’idah, Phi-rea, Al-Iblis, and Jurisprudence. The conclusion and the result of this research can be summarized in a sentence that all of these books, except for the words of al-‘umam, do not refer to the principle of Sufism and Sufi genuine criticism, and it is only their message to the Sufis who have begun versification in the tradition. And they have suffered a distraction from the direct path.