“Comparative Study of Friendship and Aversion in Imamiyya and Ibadiyya”

Esmail Karimnia
Islamic Denominations
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Sadegh Pourheidari
Habib Hatami Kan Kaboud

Love and hatred are two categories of human emotions that, with every belief and religion these two categories are there. One of the main areas is the religious beliefs of human beings where the Love and hatred are existent.  It can be said that these two are the most important factors in choosing their beliefs, which in the religious literature are interpreted as Friendship and Aversion. Imamiyya and Ibadiyya schools, as well as other schools of thought, have a special look at the issue of friendship and aversion, to the extent that the religion of the religion has become a part of these schools. Hence, this thesis examines the existence of friendship and aversion in the two schools of Imamiyya and Ibadiyya in four seasons, and after the conceptualization of these two words in the first chapter, their position among these two schools in the second chapter and In chapter three and four, the realm of each of friendship and aversion, the Imams and the Companions are studied among these two schools. Finally, he compared the ideas of these two schools with regard to friendship and aversion, and concluded that although in many cases, including the narrations in this chapter, both theories are similar, but the Imāmī regarding friendship and aversion in general and in a particular way towards the Prophet and Companions and Ahl al-Bayt is more precise and more precise in comparison with the Abbasid religion because Ibadhiyya, in the interpretation of narratives in this field, has contradicted that at the end The letter refers to them, or even the scholars themselves, have no single theory in this regard.