The Wisdom and meaning of Color in the Architecture of Islamic Holy Buildings from the Perspective of Traditionalists

Mahbube HasaniPanah
The Wisdom of Islamic Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Seyed Razi Moosavi Gilani

Using of light and color in the sacred monuments of Islamic architecture with appropriate meanings and particular consistency is considered in this thesis so that value of color and light in these monuments can announce its special positions. This thesis will cause to use practical truth of light and color in the sacred monuments. In this paper three arguments had been studied; light, color and the sacred monuments of Islamic architecture with due attention to the perspective of traditionalists. Projects that evaluate color and light in monuments, consider this project as a practical idea, and projects that pay attention to aesthetics aspect of project, study this phenomenon as a valuable art and wisdom. One of theories that in addition to pay attention to appearance of monument and kind of replacement of color and light spaces in monument and kind of its effectiveness, is theory of presence. This theory can see end of art in architecture in relation with nature of monument. Theory of presence in architecture is not inference of something that exists in appearance of monument and entity can feel perception of spirit of God in monument according to real adjectives of color and light in appearance. Theory of presence deal with formation basis of relation between worshipper and object of worship and with analysis of two elements of color and light and functions try to create a condition that lead to a relationship between worshipper and object of worship. One capacity that this theory has is that it helps to create epistemic and divine spaces in the sacred monuments that are from real use of color and light. Therefore this study in order to attain to its intended purpose, tried to study about intended findings and assumptions with descriptive-analytic method so that in addition to discover of former traditions points, skillfully can create possibility of creation of more spaces in contemporary monuments. As well, for extent and complexities of beauties of holy monuments with presence of creator of the universe, make clear possibility of existence of humility of worshipper in front of greatness and magnificence of creator of universe in qualities of real definitions. Also color and light are symbols that comprise something in beyond of its direct and evident meaning.   That every day without having knowledge about their meanings we experience sorrow or joy and grief and sadness because of factors of stress of thought and routines; in fact, world of human describe with a sea of symbols and as great as a sea has definitions that its essentials are meditation and hesitation.