mystic Ontology in teachings of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)

Felor valipour chahardahcheric
Sufism and Islamic Mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
AliAkbar Afrasyabpour , Reza Elahi Manesh
Ghasem Kakaei

Existence’ is the most original  subject in existentialog discussion, and it is also the most important issue in phillosoph and mysticism although “existence ” is an evident  affair and  does not need definition but this itself is most complicated significance.Philosophy and mysticism each one, has a special interpretation relating to this subject that sometime are much closed to each other by some viewpoints and definition. The subject of this thesis “mystic existientialogy, is in teachings of Emam Ali (Peace be upon Him).Viewpoint of his Excellency about explanation of existence is so deep and fragile and beautiful that certainly it can be Known as a bas. And foundation of much Philosophy and mystic issues.His Excellency, to definite the pure essence of sublime God, Knows Him clean from any explanation and appointment and not only not depict the Divine attributes plus essence, but His viewpoint is beyond the view point of Philosophers’ and philosophy speakers. Because these two groups attribute some specialties to God , but they concept them like origins of essence. But in statements of that Excellency, it is stipulated that the Divine Essence has no attribute  and then mystics testified  to this His Excellency  statement  for nolifing  attributes of essence. In statements of that His Excellency of oneness and unity (names and attributes) and phantom and shades, stated beyond of national stages that has and have not any precedent of existence in concepts of philosophers’ and only the statement of mystics about this can be closed to statements of His Excellency. And that His Excellency pointed out the position of mohammadieh fact(peace be upon him ) and Allovieh   and light stage of members of  family (Peace be upon them) as the first manifestation and existence  mediate between right and nation that is beyond creatures.