The Relationship Between the Monotheistic Morality of Quran and Cognition Mysticism On the basis of Allamah Tabatabaei’s thoughts

Saeed Hozouri
Sufism and Islamic Mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Reza Elahi Manesh
Heydar ali Meymaneh Jahromi, Lotfallah Dezhkam

Human beings as the comprehensive manifestation of divine names and attributes  are moving toward flourishing their divine perfections based on their innate voice. Islamic insight in three sections; ideas, practical injunctions and morals show the way to achieve these supreme goals. Thanks to its expansion in all dimensions of human lives, morality plays an important role in this regard. Due to the effects of cognition and insight on human morals and manners, Islamic verses and traditions emphasize greatly on increasing this insight.  Allamah Tabatabai in Almizan exegesis says that there are three levels of insights which can cause three kinds of moralities; material, common to all prophets and exclusive to Quran. The recent one which we call the monotheistic morality of Quran needs a deep insight about Allah, human being and the world and this insayght has considerable similarity with Islamic mysticism.  In this descriptive-analytical investigation, I try to explain the relationship between the monotheistic morality of Quran and illumination in mystical insight and while dealling with  the two conceptions of morality and mysticism and distinguishing their situations according to Allameh’s point of view, I will make a comparison between gnostic structure of human existence and monotheistic morality of Quran.