The history of Development of Deliverance Thought in the Mysticism of khorasan with an Emphacise on Sanā’ī, Attār and Rūmī
- Author:
- Sajad Vaezi Monfared
- Level:
- Ph.D
- Subject(s):
- Sufism and Islamic Mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2017
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Sayed Mohammad rastgoofar
- Advisor(s):
- Mohammad Nasiri, Moheb Ali Absalan
In this thesis, the narrative of deliverance thought in the Khorasan’s Sufism and the path of its evolution, in specific, the reflection of this thought in the lyrics and writings of Sanai, Attar, and Rumi are investigated. Historical narrative and its historical evolution is the first step. The second step is deeply digging and examining of salvation thought with Sanai, Attar, and Rumi. The main contributions of this research are the historical evaluation and the path of its development in the Khorasan’s Sufism; representation of this subject from the Khorasan’s Sufism view and verification and comparison of the opinions of the Sophist of this region, evaluation of salvage by overlapping concepts such as annihilation, …; and investigation of scope of this subject in the Sanai, Attar, and Rumi’s writings and the use of “deliverance” term, instead of collection of phrases such as rid, salvation, annihilation, patcher, survival, prosperity, and etc. In fact, in this research, the deliverance thought is investigated with a comprehensive and general view. By investigation of solid and extensive evidences from the age of Bayazid to Rumi, we observe unification, harmony, and continuity. Since the Sophist agree in the concepts, fundamentals, principals and general rules, the disagreements are referred to interpretation, variety of explanation and expression of people. In this research, instead of upside-up theorem and claiming evolution and progress, the theorem of “spiritual continuity is emphasized. One truth that is continues is appeared in different shapes. The celestial mentors and religious teachers tried to keep the flame of unification, patcher, annihilation, survival, countenance and esteem thoughts (the thought in which the human reaches the patcher position and then blurred). Also, they try to keep the flame of truth constantly bright. The attractive exclamation of Bayazid Bastami (that is, the Glorious God who is grand dignity) and his wonderful ballad in his ascension epistle along with lyrical exclamation of Rumi in Divan Kabir and Masnavi Manavi, all emphasizes on one thought: evolving and detaching from himself and joining to the friend. The continuity and affiliation that means affinity and interest in elevated and unchangeable principles that perform the basis of Iranian Sufism. The Goal of Khorasan Sufism especially in opinion of Attar, Rumi, Bayazid, and Abusaeid is deliverance from himself (self-deliverance). To explain the deliverance thought and to response to the question of deliverance from what, Sanai, Attar, and Rumi, emphasis on deliverance from himself and journey from the fake himself to the true himself. The deliverance should be found in neediness, annihilation and love. The historical and spiritual path of deliverance thought in Khorasan Sufism is initiated from understanding of deliverance based on austerity and worship and through its development arrives at salvage and lovely deliverance and annihilation to the beloved, without negating the austerity, worship, and religious law. The lovely thought and emphasizing on the prominent role of redemptive of love and affection is found in the poem and words of Rumi. In the poem of Attar along with the content of love, it is reached in the intermediate, and in the Rumi’s poem, ascetic poem is faded in favor of love: I was ascetic, you make me lyricist. All of the life and words of Rumi was about love, perish and annihilation to the beloved.