Mystical teachings in the works of Allama Tabatabaei with emphasis on Al-Mizan and its interpretation

Gholam Reza Noroozi
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Mohammad Mahdi Gorjian
Majid Maaref, Reza Elahi Manesh

Tabatabai, searched the most noble teachings and truths of the universe and the most complete set of knowledge, in the word of truth and exploring their works, including great commentary Al-Mizan, leads us to this truth except in the light of the word of God and the Ahlul Bayt (as) a pretty face can not be seen from the pure Islamic mysticism. He believes that what is needed to achieve happiness Islamic law has said. The mystical dimension of personality of Allama and as well as intuitive knowledge, as a way of acquiring knowledge, contributed to enrich their works and is evident. He ,in some cases, expressed mystical concepts with hints and sometimes, according to the discussion, has named some mystical terms but it is not required to comply with all aspects of them. He is named intuition and revelation as two pillars to the right. He by commenting the view of personal unity, draws much of the universe based on the grace of God. Therefore, the right and the mood, each of them, appropriate gift to the world to accept that grace, to be named. In ontology, believes mystical look to the world, brings man to the place that not only for the world does not see although independent, but  he is also the mortal in the right and his intuition will also sense in his annihilation. In theology, he knows divine unity,unity refers and called non-numeric and to explain the system’s Asmayee. In human cognition, knows type of man of all the divine names and ranks of God’s vicegerent, that of course, in the rise and fall is unlimited and at the same time, prone to the governor and the highest perfection and also Introduces self-direction, the best way to the knowledge of the Lord.