The independent pattern of Imami theology in the school of Kūfa

Hossein Naeim abadi
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Taqi Sobhani

This disseratation keeps track of Shiite theology in the age of present (school of Kūfa) as an independent model and paradigm. The main question is whether the existent propositions in early imami theology can be set in the form of an intellectual system with an independent and similar pattern and framework as a paradigm? Method of knowledge in this project is traditional and historical, the method of collecting data is library data colloction, and the approach to the subject (methodology) combines the historical and phenomenology Perspective. It seems that in general, both in methodology of the first Imami theology and systematic structure, there are two major issues. The first issue is that the Imami theologians in the present period due to its association with the imams as the original source of their knowledge, in all subjects had a rational moderation. The second thing is that Shia views for the same reason mentioned above had a clear and logical relation and consistency, and a rational communication. The first of our reason of this harmony in their methodology is the intelligent connection between intellect and revelation, emergency knowledge and sense perception with intellect, and relevance of intuition with revelation knowledge which is based on texts (Nuṣūṣ). This harmony also there was in theological issues: Some fundamental issues such as the will of God and its relation to the will of the human, divine attributes, human truth and the emergency knowledge. The final chapter of this thesis is responsible showing the first Shiite theology as a paradigm. Imami theology, after a crisis occured in the former paradigm which was unable to solve riddles related to cosmos, God and its attributes, the will of God and its relation to the human will, as a non-condensing knowledge with a powerful suggestions to solve the riddles of the previous paradigm, was born. The knowledge had the component of the revolution change: the approach to the universe and human essence and also creating non-condensing knowledge. Also, after the final formation, it reached to the component of normal science like extraordinary innovation, similar standards, density in its own right and the puzzle-solving aspect. Moreover, share a group of the scientific community members, existence of a targeted filamentous system attached together include symbolic extension, shared commitment and shared values among its members, are some characteristics of Shiite theology paradigm. This paradigm as all other paradigms in a moment of history, of course slowly, after the occultation of the Imam reach crisis and reduced finally.