Islamic Peacebuilding Model Pertaining to the Tradition of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Mohsen Ghanbari Alanagh
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Ali Shomali
Mohammad Legenhausen

The concept of model or modeling, represents a part of reality (target) which was specified by a modeling view and described by modeling facilities in order to the purposes for recognition, understanding, and manipulation of the target. Therefore, peace building as some part of our social reality has been measured within the modeling system to be precognitive, understandable and manipulatable. Amongst those deferent peace building models that are applicable by peace practitioners around the world, one is more influential especially when it comes to the religious societies, the one that is commonly called faith based peace building model. Faith based peace building model addresses faith as an authentic source related to the supernatural world and compatible with human’s God Given nature. Focusing on this model, I will try to discuss Islamic faith as the final message of God through his last prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), to all nations; with concentration on the great personality and attributes of Muhammad (PBUH) who brought peace and mercy to the world. Through the thematic exegesis method that I have borrowed from Martyr Sadr, I will organize my thesis in three levels: 1) intra and inter-personal or inner peace that emphasizes on Iman to reach self- building, 2) inter-communal or external peace that concentrating on Islamic brotherhood to reach community- building, 3) international or global peace that visioning religious and humanistic brotherhood to reach Umma-building. Operating his faith based peacebuilding model within three different environments: Mecca, Medina and the world, The Prophet has completed his mission gradually and guaranteed the continuation of his international and apocalyptic peacebuilding process by introducing the successors after his demise. The successors were activated within the Wilayah system through which Ummah would be guided to the faithful cosmopolitism. The present work, addresses peaceful life of the Prophet as an Islamic role model to be followed by people; Introduces the Islamic model based on faith-based peace building models as one of the most influential and applicable model for promoting peace; refers to the Prophet’s tradition in both individual and social realms of life; and finally tries to project a very clear image of peaceful and merciful Islam against Islamophobia and religious extremist waves in the world.