Solaihids of Yemen, with an Emphasis on Daee-ud-Doat, Princess Arvi

Hoda Taheri
The difference between Shiites
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mahdi Farmanian

 Solaihids (439-532)(A.H) is considered as one of the significant dynasties in Yemen during 5th century. They were Ismaili Shiites who managed to establish their government through spreading their Ismaili ideologies  and supporting the Fatimids of Egypt. The strong Ismaili dynasty of Solaihids was founded by Ali Ibn Mohammad Solaihi, a man of effort, policy and management, in 439 (A.H) in Yemen. He defeated all his rivals through several battles and extended the boundaries of the dynasty from Mecca to Hadramoot. He was succeded by Malik Mokarram, his son, who transmitted all his resposibilites and power to his wife, Princess Arvi, due to his intolerable illness in the last years of his life. Princess Arvi is a significant and successful Solaihi ruler, known as Sayyida Horra and Bilghays-e Thani who powerfully ruled Yemen for half a century as the first female Shiite ruler without being troubled  by any rival. She did remarkably in terms of public buildings and organizing the political affairs of her domain as well as religious propogation which gained her the title of Daee-ud-Doat (the toppest  propagator) and the Hojjat (Reference) of Yemen. Her unquestioed submission to the Fatimid Califs influenced her political and cultural policies  and resulted in the stability of her government, and blooming the civilization of Yemen to its end during her era. However, after the division of Mostalavi Ismailis to two branches of Tayyibi and Hafizi, Arvi patronized the Imamate of Tayyib, the hidden Imam, separated Yemen From the Caliphate of Egypt and became the independant and immediate viceregal of the hidden Imam to lead the Tayyibi propagation. Ismailism was expanded in Yemen and around it by the efforts of the Solaihids, turning there to one of the centers of Ismaili propagation. They founded their government on the close relationship with the Fatimid Califs of Egypt who garanteed their success.